Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

Hennepin County Library
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Author:  mobocracy [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Andrew Rothman wrote:
Organizations are not monoliths.

Whether it's the DFL, the Star Tribune or Hennepin County, there are people there that don't believe depriving law-abiding citizens of their constitutional rights in hopes of deterring criminals.

These folks do what they can -- and are often more effective in their quiet ways than the loudest activist on the outside.

And that's about all I have to say about that.

I don't doubt this, but the number of people in *power* willing able to silence oppoosition in county governemnt is hardly what I would consider a healthy diversity of opinion, unless that diversity of opinion includes how much to raise my taxes to give to Pohlad or embark on some other big government program.

My apologies to those rank-and-filers I may have unintenionally disparaged.

Author:  Old Dude [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

As a low-level grunt, no offense taken. The County really doesn't do much to stiffle dissent unless you point out legal errors to the wrong people. Sh*t rolls downhill--no doubt about that. And it is possible to be made very uncomfortable when toes are tread upon.

Author:  joelr [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Andrew Rothman wrote:
Organizations are not monoliths.

Whether it's the DFL, the Star Tribune or Hennepin County, there are people there that don't believe depriving law-abiding citizens of their constitutional rights in hopes of deterring criminals.

These folks do what they can -- and are often more effective in their quiet ways than the loudest activist on the outside.

And that's about all I have to say about that.

Good idea. No good reason to out Nick Coleman, Jane Ranum, and Sheriff McGowan as being secretly sympathet --

Ooops. :oops:

Author:  joelr [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

joelr wrote:
Andrew Rothman wrote:
Organizations are not monoliths.

Whether it's the DFL, the Star Tribune or Hennepin County, there are people there that don't believe depriving law-abiding citizens of their constitutional rights in hopes of deterring criminals.

These folks do what they can -- and are often more effective in their quiet ways than the loudest activist on the outside.

And that's about all I have to say about that.

Good idea. No good reason to out Nick Coleman, Jane Ranum, and Sheriff McGowan as being secretly sympathet --

Ooops. :oops:

As an addendum, vaguely related, I think it's worthwhile to remember: "Three men can keep a secret. If two of them are dead."

It's one of the reasons that I try, as hard as I can, not to have any hidden agendas with regard to the self-defense movement. Nothing to hide; nothing to be exposed.

That said, there is a time to keep tactics at least temporarily closely-held. I'm pretty sure that there are some folks watching this discussion from Hennepin County (hi, guys!) computers who are wondering if they got set up in this.

They didn't -- but I'm not entirely sure I want them to believe that. (It's true, by the way, at least as far as I know. If I had been involved there would have been at least two voice recorders and at least one hidden camera used.)

And for the future? Who knows? Maybe it would be best if Hennepin County starts telling its employees not only what the law is, but that they're going to obey it.

Author:  Pat Cannon [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well now the county can explain that they intended the phrase "dangerous weapons" to mean, as any reasonable person would interpret it to mean, "weapons subject to a current safety recall notice by the manufacturer".

Author:  Srigs [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Big News

reaver3 wrote:

Great job! :D

Author:  Moby Clarke [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hennepin County Library

Moby Clarke wrote:
As I have a 22 month old daughter, we frequent the HC Library in Brooklyn Center. They have a sign stating something to the effect that hazardous weapons are banned. I know that the sign itself is not legal, but this library is attached to a license servicing center and a district court. They have separate entrances, but a common hall way connects them.
So, can I carry at the library? License Center? Court? Where does the court "building" start, or doesn't it matter? As they are a government agency, I did not think they could post.

Joel's book did not address this issue with specifics that I could find.

Your thoughts?

So, several of my original questions stand. See the bold text above. Does anyone have an answer? And let me add my Thanks to reaver3 also.

Author:  grayskys [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pat Cannon wrote:
Well now the county can explain that they intended the phrase "dangerous weapons" to mean, as any reasonable person would interpret it to mean, "weapons subject to a current safety recall notice by the manufacturer".

I tend to think that the most dangerous weapon in the world is the Human Brain. All other weapons pale in comparison!

Author:  reaver3 [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

joelr wrote
It's one of the reasons that I try, as hard as I can, not to have any hidden agendas with regard to the self-defense movement. Nothing to hide; nothing to be exposed.

100% agree. Anyone who knows me knows that I open carry. Often. And I had research to do anyway, so since there were questions, I thought I would try to have them answered. Answered they were.

Moby Clarke wrote
but a common hall way connects them

I think that statement sinks you as far as Brooklyn Center. As Pat told me earlier in the thread, the consensus here is that the common hall makes for one building, so I wouldn't try carrying there. Actually, I wouldn't try at any one with a courthouse unless and until this mess gets finished up and there are some common rules that people can understand, like Dakota County has. As is painfully obvious, I am not a lawyer, but I think it's plain that Judge Burke's order is probably going to put the kibosh on any library connected even periphally to a courthouse complex so my advice would be not to try it.[/b]

Author:  ttousi [ Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice job reaver :D Thanks

Author:  Jack Pine Savage [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Beware the Ides Of march


Well Done. You took a legal and stretched it. :lol:

Author:  Pat Cannon [ Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:47 am ]
Post subject: 

grayskys wrote:
Pat Cannon wrote:
Well now the county can explain that they intended the phrase "dangerous weapons" to mean, as any reasonable person would interpret it to mean, "weapons subject to a current safety recall notice by the manufacturer".

I tend to think that the most dangerous weapon in the world is the Human Brain. All other weapons pale in comparison!

Yeah, that's why all "reasonable" interpretations of the First Amendment say it's the government's job to do your thinking for you. Everybody understands this except for a few fringe types being manipulated by the NBA 'brain lobby'.

One way to spot these types is: they hang out at libraries.

Author:  sturmruger [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Reaver thanks for having the guts to do what a lot of us would be afraid to do. These goverment types need to be put in their places more then they are, it's too bad that you had to put you neck out to do it.



Norm W

RIver Falls, WI

Author:  phorvick [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 4:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Do you have legal fees associated with this effort? If so, would a modest donation to Mr. Gross help?

Author:  reaver3 [ Sun Feb 26, 2006 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

phorvick wrote
Do you have legal fees associated with this effort? If so, would a modest donation to Mr. Gross help?

I asked David on Friday if he needed any sort of retainer or fee from me, and he replied not at this time. He even stated that I was doing most of the work so far (requesting documents, pictures, etc.) I don't know the law, but I'm hopeful that in a case as blatant as this one, that the county and/or city would have to pick up my fees. I will let you guys know if/when I get billed for something that I'm on the hook for. Certainly not necessary, but greatly appreciated. I've really felt that everyone on this board has "got my back", and I'm very grateful.

p.s. bab please check your pm, very important!!

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