Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

I spoke with a local politician today, DeDe Scanlon
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Author:  Macx [ Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  I spoke with a local politician today, DeDe Scanlon

She is running for city counsel in Golden Valley. I saw her and another gentleman looking like door to door campaigners, while I was walking my dog. I may not be the most articulate guy, but I came right out and asked her "where she was at, regarding CCW". She said it was the first time she had been asked that question, and then expressed that she is afraid of guns and hates it when children get a hold of them. I hope I conveyed the right sentiment when agreeing that it is tragic when parents don't raise their children to be responsible with guns, commenting that I don't remember how old I was when I first learned to shoot, got my first rifle when I was 9yo and shotgun at 12yo . . . she asked if I grew up on a farm. I didn't. She mentioned that she has brothers who (fall into the '"sporting use" category) hunt. I mentioned that criminals get a hold of weapons even when it is illegal for them to; they are criminals afterall, and for citizens to be able to defend themselves they need to be able to carry arms responsibly. She said she would need to learn more on the topic. I invited her to look at this message board.

Overall, I think it was a good exchange. I got the sense that her fear of guns was due to too much T.V. and not enough reality on the topic. I wass most impressed that she seemed willing to consider a point of view that wasn't what she had been walking down the street with, a few minutes earlier. Consideration is closer to acceptance than rejection. If any of ya'll live in Golden Valley, I suggest a follow up conversation. Be nice, she was nice to me.

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