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Maybe karma is real...
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Author:  Fixxer [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Maybe karma is real...

My only comment is that hitting people with baseball bats isn't real nice, and perhaps there really are karma gods out there. The only reason I posted it is because I know that there is a forum member who was personally affected by the attacks at Phalen. ... ec8O7EyUsr

A 17-year-old boy who pleaded guilty in September to assaulting a couple with a baseball bat at St. Paul's Lake Phalen has died at the state correctional facility in St. Cloud, a corrections spokeswoman said.

"There is no appearance of foul play" in the death of Wang Moua Vue, said Shari Burt, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Corrections.

She said that Vue died on Nov. 14, but that the department was withholding additional details because it had yet to receive a medical examiner's ruling on the cause of death, and because the department's Office of Special Investigations still had an open file on the case.

The office investigates all prison deaths, Burt said.

Tom Vue, the dead boy's father, said Monday that he was anxious for answers: "He is too young to die," he said.

On Sept. 11, Wang Vue pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree assault in the Aug. 4 attack on the couple. It occurred about the same time as a vigil was being held nearby for a woman who had been severely beaten in a baseball-bat attack at the lake.

Burt said Vue, who was charged as an adult, was admitted to the St. Cloud facility on Sept. 17, and was to serve two consecutive sentences that would have expired in November 2011.

Author:  Andrew Rothman [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:55 am ]
Post subject: 

I love happy endings.

Author:  1911fan [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Happy ending, no, poetical justice, maybe.

any 17 year old dying is a tragedy. What got him to where he was involved in what he did is probably just as tragic.

Do I feel sorry for him, no. but I don't like any kids the same age as my kids dying.

Author:  chunkstyle [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Seems he could have had a bit of an anger issue. Likely this did not go over well with his new colleagues.

Author:  matt160 [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Andrew Rothman wrote:
I love happy endings.


Age has nothing to do with being a piece of human trash. Too bad our justice system cannot make the punishment part of the crime painful, embarrassing, miserable, and public. That way people will think twice.

Author:  Binky .357 [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:55 am ]
Post subject: 

1911fan wrote:
Happy ending, no, poetical justice, maybe.

any 17 year old dying is a tragedy. What got him to where he was involved in what he did is probably just as tragic.

Do I feel sorry for him, no. but I don't like any kids the same age as my kids dying.

Wrong. Regardless of what lead him down his wayward path, he was a violent sociopath. The fact that the victim of his beating didn't die is merely providence, or just blind luck.

No sympathy is due to this little monster.

When I saw the story about the beating, I thought of my family, my friends, my loved ones. I thought about some little bastard out there threatening their lives because they had the simple audacity to take a walk in a public park.

Do I feel sympathy for him? No. In fact, I'm kinda glad his C.O.D. is, as far as anyone can tell, natural causes. That way there's no permit holder who has to face the questions, the guilt, and the persecution by the system for defending themselves against this little bastard. Maybe that makes me a horrible person.

But let me guess, "He was turning his life around," right?

[ETA:] Don't fool yourself and put your childrens faces on this punk. I'm sure you've raised your children right. I'm sure they respect people. I'm sure they don't think an afternoon of good clean fun involves beating random victims. They're good people. Criminals who act like this kid need to be put down like the feral dogs they are*.

*I'm not saying vigilantism is right, I am saying that the system is so hopelessly screwed up that our laws have no teeth. Bring back the death penalty, I say. Some debts to society simply cannot be paid with mere time, but by forfeiture of life.

Author:  Srigs [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 8:06 am ]
Post subject: 

matt160 wrote:
Andrew Rothman wrote:
I love happy endings.


Age has nothing to do with being a piece of human trash. Too bad our justice system cannot make the punishment part of the crime painful, embarrassing, miserable, and public. That way people will think twice.

Could not agree more.

Author:  Lobotomy Boy [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm with the happy ending crowd. Yeah, for whatever reason this creature's life was tragic, but he was broken to the point where he was a menace to society and his removal from the gene pool was a net positive in the great dance of life.

Author:  Macx [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Too bad our justice system cannot make the punishment part of the crime painful, embarrassing, miserable, and public.

Sounds like Caesar Beccaria. . . . between him and the Chicago School of Criminology. . . .there is a lot of wisdom. Nothing new since 1930's but good thoughts none the less.

Author:  bensdad [ Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Na-na-na-nah.. hey, hey, hey... GOOD-BYE.

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