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It takes a gun to stop a gunman
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Author:  Dee [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  It takes a gun to stop a gunman

Minneapolis Gun rights examiner

Last Saturday night, Richmond Virginia storeowner Mustapha Kassou met an angel. But he had to get shot first.
This particular angel, a shadowy hero whose name has not been released, was carrying what witnesses described as a western style six-shooter carried openly on his hip. And like the sword of fire which angels of old were reputed to carry, this six-shooter was used as a force-for-good to smite the wicked.
It was almost 11:00 PM and the robber who rushed into Kassou’s Jefferson Davis Highway store was surprised to find eight people inside. Surprise apparently turned to anger and the robber ordered the patrons to the floor and then opened fire on Kassou striking him twice. Kassou fell to the floor behind the cash register and waited for the gunman to finish him.
And that was when the angel revealed himself. Unnoticed by the robber, one of the patrons in the store was openly armed. Reacting quickly, the patron drew his sidearm and ordered the robber to drop his gun. When the robber refused, the patron fired once wounding the robber and then disarmed him.
Kassou, who immigrated to the United States some 20 years ago from his native Morocco and has since become a proud American Citizen, believes that God sent the patron there. "He saved a lot of lives," Kassou said. "He was like an angel who came to save everybody."
But Kassou is understandably traumatized by the attack and has openly discussed whether to re-open the store. If he decides to re-open the store, he says he will be armed when he does so.
Kassou’s ordeal illustrates a simple, logical fact that no amount of gun control propaganda can refute … “It takes a gun to stop a gunman!”

Author:  Seismic Sam [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It takes a gun to stop a gunman

NO!! NO!! NO!! Any coddled liberal will tell you that it was Kassou's responsibility to keep soaking up bullets until he died, and then the police would come and "investigate". and then Kassou's family would bury him, and the police investigation would squander God knows how many thousands of dollars until it wound up in the "Cold Case" file. The homicidal maniac with the 6 shooter should have been brought up on charges for owning a gun in the first place, much less openly carrying it (OH MY GAWD, THAT MAN HAS A GUN) [see Minneapolis PD blotter for June 28th, 2009], and had no business or right to shoot someone who only needed money to support his crack habit. After all, the poor assailant had a troubled childhood...

Author:  Aase02 [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It takes a gun to stop a gunman

Seismic Sam wrote:
NO!! NO!! NO!! Any coddled liberal will tell you that it was Kassou's responsibility to keep soaking up bullets until he died, and then the police would come and "investigate". and then Kassou's family would bury him, and the police investigation would squander God knows how many thousands of dollars until it wound up in the "Cold Case" file. The homicidal maniac with the 6 shooter should have been brought up on charges for owning a gun in the first place, much less openly carrying it (OH MY GAWD, THAT MAN HAS A GUN) [see Minneapolis PD blotter for June 28th, 2009], and had no business or right to shoot someone who only needed money to support his crack habit. After all, the poor assailant had a troubled childhood...

Sense of humor in sarcasm = Not for liberals. I on the other hand laughed.

Author:  Hunter07 [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It takes a gun to stop a gunman

Aase02 wrote:
Sense of humor in sarcasm = Not for liberals. I on the other hand laughed.

I was laughing so hard that, I dang near needed a seatbelt for my chair at my desk! :shock: :D :lol:

Author:  Nords [ Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: It takes a gun to stop a gunman

Hunter07 wrote:
I dang near needed a seatbelt for my chair at my desk! :shock: :D :lol:

Image !

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