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Predator Call recomendations?
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Author:  mostlylawabidingcitizen [ Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Predator Call recomendations?

I'm having a Fox issue that I'm trying to fix. Generally I just let the chickens out, but that puts a dampner on the egg production.

I'm looking at Predator calls - I was leaning towards an electronic call till I started looking at the reviews and it seems there is alway one or two that says don't waste your money - buy a mouth call.

I picked up a Primos Ki-Ya tonight, mostly since it has a CD with sounds on it and directions on how to use the thing.

Questions I have...
Is a Primos Ki-Yi a decent call? Others recomendations?

Given the numerous sounds one can make with just one call
Jackrabbit & cotton tail distress, fawn, ki-yi, female howl, male howl and several others - any recomendations on ones that work for you?

This is my first time blowing in a reed call (I don't waterfowl hunt) - how in the world do you keep all the different sounds separate - after a while a female howl sounded a lot like a cotton tail distress.

Yikes! Lots to this predator hunting stuff.


Author:  Tex [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I bought a predator call many years ago. I have never had any luck with it! I was out riding with a local SO deputy 10 years ago and we stopped the car in a likely coyote area. He opened the window and chirped/whistled like a mouse caught in a trap. Within 2 minutes a coyote came out of the woods 300 yds from us. It doesn't seem to matter what you use if the critter is hungry.

I think if you over-use a digital call they realize it is a fake and are more cautious. By using a reed call we NEVER sound the same way twice. I gave up on the call I had before I really gave it a chance, but I think your idea is good.

I have seen window stickers that read "MN Predator Control" with a coyote in the crosshairs. It always makes me think of a good Sheepdog!

ps: Are you sure its fox? set a live trap - the opposum's are terrible on chickens.

Author:  Pat Cannon [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Oh, you don't means the "Bans Guns" signs. :)

Author:  mostlylawabidingcitizen [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tex wrote:
I bought a predator call many years ago. I have never had any luck with it! I was out riding with a local SO deputy 10 years ago and we stopped the car in a likely coyote area. He opened the window and chirped/whistled like a mouse caught in a trap. Within 2 minutes a coyote came out of the woods 300 yds from us. It doesn't seem to matter what you use if the critter is hungry.

I think if you over-use a digital call they realize it is a fake and are more cautious. By using a reed call we NEVER sound the same way twice. I gave up on the call I had before I really gave it a chance, but I think your idea is good.

I have seen window stickers that read "MN Predator Control" with a coyote in the crosshairs. It always makes me think of a good Sheepdog!

ps: Are you sure its fox? set a live trap - the opposum's are terrible on chickens.

Nah - not opposum- I can easily shoot those in the barn whilst they are eating the cat food.

I've shot one fox last year, saw one running in the neighbor's field earlier this year. The chickens were free ranging at that time, so I don't think a opposum could catch them. Could be neighbor dog, hawk, or eagle.


Author:  Tex [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ah, good, you are not new to chicken 'ranching'. I'm finding many people who are getting into keeping some hens aroung for eggs and a few for butchering in the summer. (to save money - ha! - but they do taste better)

I have the best luck listening to the dogs at night. When they start making noise grab the biggest best flashlight and a scoped rifle. Two people are better and do sentry duty. Sounds like you already know this but there may be some new people to our farmlife. Good luck and let us know what you find.


Author:  dmr-22 [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 2:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

My step father has raccoons, he traps them then sticks them with a pitchforks… He says, “They aint worth the price of a bullet.”

Author:  mostlylawabidingcitizen [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:01 am ]
Post subject: 

dmr-22 wrote:
My step father has raccoons, he traps them then sticks them with a pitchforks… He says, “They aint worth the price of a bullet.”

I understand those 'live' traps work really well to take your new coon friend swimming as they frequently are in need of a good bath - :twisted:
Apparently there are some scout camps that take lots of coons swimming during the week, when no scouts around.

I have a motion detector light on the coop with like 6 big flood lights hooked up to light up about 280 degrees around it - don't really seem to have a problem with preditors at night - mostly while we are at work.

First morning with the new call - nothing showed up(but an annoyed wife) I have been informed that if I'm calling in the summer the windows will be closed prior to my entrance into my stand (the kids play set)


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