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Author:  Sietch [ Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chuckw wrote:
Do you have any evidence that they would have been able to defeat Holder's confirmation?

As for that, it presents an unverifiable hypothesis, i.e. it calls for proof that could only be offered in the form of speculation. Example: Can you prove that more abolitionist activism in the Southern states could have steered the United States away from civil war? So it's moot. But, again, I kind of appreciate your reasoning.

And whatever the circumstance, it couldn't hurt to push one way or another against what's sure to be a reign of terror in the Attorney General's office.

Beyond a public campaign opposing Holder's confirmation, they could have pulled hard against Holder in a more private manner, like some hardball interfacing with members of Congress. And, besides, who can say this didn't happen?

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