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Just got back from HF 498 and here are my thoughts.
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Author:  havegunjoe [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Just got back from HF 498 and here are my thoughts.

Well I am back from the Castle Doctrine committee hearing and my mind is in a shambles. Where do I begin? First the hearing started about 40 minutes late. There are way too many people in expensive suites sitting in high-back leather chairs in our government if you ask me. No wonder we have to have special sessions, they can’t start a meeting on time. Ironically one of the bills that passed was, “Creating a gross misdemeanor for assaulting a utility employee or contractor”. I wanted to shout “Just tell them to run away like the rest of us have to”. The story on this was that utility workers are being attacked at night while on the job. Kind of like pizza delivery guys but there was no bill to protect them.

Finally we moved to a smaller room because they ran out of time but they did move our bill to the front of the line. I got to the new room early so I got one of the few seats but I was surrounded by angry black people with tee shirts that said something about “”. Tony and David Gross were first and gave a concise account of what the bill was about. Now the zoo was about to begin. I didn’t get everyone’s name and organization but there was some lawyer representing state prosecutors who said this would make it impossible for them to put bad people in jail. If that were true he is not much of a lawyer if you ask me. Then we had our old friend Scott Knight from the Chaska police department. That guy has more gold stars than General Dwight Eisenhower. He must think a lot of himself and is very impressed with how he looked in uniform. When he was through LYING to the crowed he pointed to some other officer who came up. He was a Lt. from Minneapolis and he told us about how they took 700 illegal guns off the street last year. I looked over at a guy from the NRA and mouthed, WHAT THE HELL HAS THAT GOT TO DO WITH ANYTHING? They were followed or preceded; I can’t remember which, by the head of the Minnesota Peace and Police Officer’s Association. I remember him from when we tried to pass the MPPA and all the lies he told then. Finally they had some angry black woman that played the race card, actually said it was “for the children”, and ran over about 5 minutes when she said she would be done in under a minute. The DFL didn’t seem to care can you believe.

Finally they decided to give Tony and David a little more time and the head guy joked, “after all he had a gun”. Some black woman in front of me started hopping up and down in her seat asking everyone around her, “Does he have a gun? Why does he have a gun? Can he have a gun?”. I so wanted to tell her to shut up and sit down because I and most of the people around her have guns, but I kept my mouth shut. Finally some Dems. had questions for Tony and David. They rambled on for several minutes saying while they appreciated his efforts they would not vote for the bill. THEY DID NOT ASK ANY QUESTIONS THAT I RECALL. They just wanted to hear themselves talk I guess.

As expected with the Dems. In charge, it failed and I am worn out for this mind numbing stupidity.

Author:  Tabsr [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  MN voters

The MN voters in the twin cities and up north want the DEMS to run our lives, could be time for me to move

Author:  lance22 [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 5:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was there, left about 15 minutes after I found out that I would not be able to watch the proceedings. I did enjoy my time in the larger room downstairs.

I was able to listen to some of the people chatting regarding "Emily's Law" ... they were horrified over the notion that a teenager who rapes and murders a 2 year old would be tried as an adult. Their stance on "Emily's Law" might add some insight as to why they are against Castle Doctrine. These are the same people who believe that if you rob a liquor store, that qualifies you as a political prisoner. And if 'the man' throws you in jail for robbing that liquor store, they will have a 'march for justice' on your behalf. They excuse criminals - but exactly how that will provide 'city peace' is unclear.

The rest of us merely want to survive an attack in our own home - and to not worry about a lawsuit adding insult to injury. Alas it was not our day. One must survive 'at your own risk'.

Let's remember, the next time the Minnesota Peace and Police Officer’s Association asks for a donation - that we won't support people who want to protect the guilty instead of the innocent.

Author:  ttousi [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

my response.............and I copied Tony

Dear Rep Johnson,

I attended the session today on the castle doctrine bill introduced by Rep Cornish and was disappointed by the negative vote that you cast which resulted in a no pass status.

Even more disappointing to me was your lack of response to the e-mail I sent to you several days ago (see below).

Unlike many, both pro and con who sent multiple e-mails I sent one e-mail to my elected representative. I have voted for you in the past but will not make that mistake again.



ETA...........yes, I did vote for him way back when........lesser of 2 evils at the time

Author:  princewally [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was there. I didn't care much for how much Mullery favored the antis. That was a LONG 10-12 minutes, and they got jokes and interaction. Cornish got eyes rolled at him.

I did enjoy the looks on the antis' faces when they saw the self-defense button pinned to the back of my little pink bundle of joy while she napped on my shoulder. :)

All in all, there were ~50 people, a sizable percentage of which were probably carrying, who managed to NOT go wild-wild-west when when they didn't get their way.

Author:  mrokern [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

princewally wrote:
I was there. I didn't care much for how much Mullery favored the antis. That was a LONG 10-12 minutes, and they got jokes and interaction. Cornish got eyes rolled at him.

I did enjoy the looks on the antis' faces when they saw the self-defense button pinned to the back of my little pink bundle of joy while she napped on my shoulder. :)

All in all, there were ~50 people, a sizable percentage of which were probably carrying, who managed to NOT go wild-wild-west when when they didn't get their way.

I think my wife and I were directly to your left. CUTE kid!

Mullery was a disgrace to his position, IMO.

Author:  havegunjoe [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

princewally wrote:
I was there. I didn't care much for how much Mullery favored the antis. That was a LONG 10-12 minutes, and they got jokes and interaction. Cornish got eyes rolled at him.

I did enjoy the looks on the antis' faces when they saw the self-defense button pinned to the back of my little pink bundle of joy while she napped on my shoulder. :)

All in all, there were ~50 people, a sizable percentage of which were probably carrying, who managed to NOT go wild-wild-west when when they didn't get their way.

I think you were behind me and to my right in the first room. Very cute little girl. I was wearing the black NRA hat.

Author:  sigman [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Since I am totally pissed off right now, I have decided not to e-mail anyone until tomorrow. :x

Author:  Moby Clarke [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not only was Mullery a disgrace, but he is always a disgrace. He is as anti as anyone. He has called me crazy and extreme in my interaction with him and treats those who disagree with him like children. Unfortunately, in this district, he is as safe as anyone. There is no way we would ever elect a republican. So, he is a Rep for life. Our founding fathers would be so proud. :evil:

Author:  mrokern [ Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Moby Clarke wrote:
Not only was Mullery a disgrace, but he is always a disgrace. He is as anti as anyone. He has called me crazy and extreme in my interaction with him and treats those who disagree with him like children. Unfortunately, in this district, he is as safe as anyone. There is no way we would ever elect a republican. So, he is a Rep for life. Our founding fathers would be so proud. :evil:

That was my first exposure to him, and he struck me as a thoroughly disgusting excuse for a public servant.

For the record, I do think that there are anti-gun politicians who mean well. I think they are misguided and wrong, but at least they give issues consideration.

I got absolutely none of that feeling from Mullery. What a sad little man.

Author:  cobb [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Just got back from HF 498 and here are my thoughts.

havegunjoe wrote:
Finally they decided to give Tony and David a little more time and the head guy joked, “after all he had a gun”. Some black woman in front of me started hopping up and down in her seat asking everyone around her, “Does he have a gun? Why does he have a gun? Can he have a gun?”.
I was in the back corner behind this lady and thought this was the one funny part of the afternoon.

Number one, the gun comment was meant as a joke and went way over her head. Number two, what difference did it make if it was true or not, one of the state's elected officials carrying a gun, so what, there were other officials in the room that had guns on their belts that she could plainly see and those didn't appear to be an issue?

What did kind of bother me was that after the "he has a gun" comment, Tony had to clarify that he was an active LEO, probably to calm the lady down and if so, I saw no need for this, she didn't have a clue as to was really going on anyway.

Author:  mostlylawabidingcitizen [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:00 am ]
Post subject: 

No one pointed out to the nice lady that nearly all the folks with the pins on have guns on them (after the vote of course)? Would have been a nice reward for showing up - watch the fat black woman freak out by the elevators as she is surrounded by white folk with guns watching in pitty.

Felt good to show up and attempt to do something.

A little levity was brough about after the vote when the General/Admiral from Chaska was waiting for the elevator... I think the Sgt with him was a bit embarassed by his boss - He looked a little uncomfortable standing next to the baffoon waiting for the elevator. How would you like that job?

ETA: WOW! I hit the 1k posts!!!


Author:  ttreml3 [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:08 am ]
Post subject: 

princewally wrote:
I did enjoy the looks on the antis' faces when they saw the self-defense button pinned to the back of my little pink bundle of joy while she napped on my shoulder. :)

My girls enjoyed watching your little pink bundle of joy as well. :D
It was an interesting process, I'll have to try this again with them, they did pretty good.

Author:  havegunjoe [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:33 am ]
Post subject: 

One thing I was a little disappointed in was that Tony did not have some of us average folks give some testimony. He and David were pretty cut and dried while the antis kept parading one right after another up there to babble. It’s hard to compete against saving the children and a general with all those gold stars but I thought we could have done better in that regard.

Author:  Lenny7 [ Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Damn I wish I could have been there, though I get so frustrated reading about the emotional BS and the outright lies spewed forth by the anti's. All one has to do to see the full of it is RTFB!!!

Next time i get a chance to go to the capitol for something like this, I'm going to take my 12 year old daughter out of school to go with me. She'd love to go and she's definitely pro-carry.

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