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Media lies mold public perception
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Author:  kimberman [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Media lies mold public perception

Actually, based on observation of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune for 30 years, reporters/editors are well aware that they can control the public's decision making about issues as easily, maybe more easily, through omission of information and half-truths than through outright misrepresentation. A bald-faced lie is more easily refuted than a twisted half-truth.

Selective reporting is the key. The selection bias is too consistent to be actual "news" choices; there is a deliberate policy filter in place.

If all stories the public ever sees concerning guns are about youths ("gang members") murdering each other, a suitably misinformed but rational reader might well come to the conclusion that guns are only useful for murder and thus should be banned if possible. If you control the information, you control the conclusion.

Ask Bernard Madoff.

There ought to be a Rule 10b-5 for urinalists.

Oh, I suppose the internet is taking over that role but it is difficult to fight those who buy newsprint by the train load or airtime by the hour.

Author:  Carbide Insert [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Very true. I'm sure most of us we be shocked and appalled to find out the fullest exent of the truth of what you are saying.

Then again, maybe just appalled. :roll:

Author:  Scott Hughes [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Media lies mold public perception

kimberman wrote:
Selective reporting is the key. The selection bias is too consistent to be actual "news" choices; there is a deliberate policy filter in place.

With all the options for news these days it amazes me that any newspaper would go so far out of their way to alienate a large group of potential customers with an arrogant policy of shaping the news vs. any balanced and honest reporting.

I cancelled my daily and Sunday subscription to the Strib over 10 yrs ago, don't miss it in the least. They're constantly trying to get me back as a customer; they'll be forced to close the doors before that'll ever happen. I suspect their balance sheet would show I’m not alone in that sentiment.

Author:  JustMe [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I recall hearing that the Strib lost over 5 percent (I think it was closer to 6 percent)of subscribers of the Sunday edition paper in 2007 or 2008. I would have thought that was a 2x4 to their head about the reading public's interest in their point of the events of the day, but they still totter along after cutting loose so many of their columnists, apparantly thinking that the viewpoint is correct. It just has not been executed in the appropriate style that would appeal. They will just have to go with subliminal messages.

Author:  chunkstyle [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

JustMe wrote:
I recall hearing that the Strib lost over 5 percent (I think it was closer to 6 percent)of subscribers of the Sunday edition paper in 2007 or 2008. I would have thought that was a 2x4 to their head about the reading public's interest in their point of the events of the day, but they still totter along after cutting loose so many of their columnists, apparantly thinking that the viewpoint is correct. It just has not been executed in the appropriate style that would appeal. They will just have to go with subliminal messages.

Actually, the sudden drop of subscription numbers in that time frame had little to do with content, and was tightly focused around the time of the elimination of the TV guide Sunday insert.

Author:  ma-gaga [ Fri May 01, 2009 9:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

meh. They've been pushing an agenda forever. Sometimes subtle, sometimes not. The thing that bugged me, was about 8 years ago it felt like they started pushing stories that did one thing only:

Create a controversy simply to sell more papers.

Not news. Controversy.

Author:  1911fan [ Sat May 02, 2009 12:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Its not just papers, either, look at TV journalism, or what passes for it.

Some rich white girl on vacation in the Carib gets drunk and goes missing, Its headlines for MONTHS, meanwhile maybe a hundred poorer girls of the same age go missing all across the USA and never get mentioned.

The Peterson murder gets all the headlines for a couple of years, Hideous, but was it the most pressing issue in america? hardly.

Look at the real stories of Iraq. Places of the country are now open to tourism and actively trading with the rest of the world, but try to find it on the news, you'll die of old age before they tell you 95% of the land mass of the nation is at peace. We won.

Barney Frank is a filthy pig of a man who's long time partner was running a brothel, try to find that on the news.

Every night on local news they are talking "human interest" stories, yet each and every one of those are pointed at some federal or state funded program. If not, its a tear jerker story, fascinating I am sure, but not NEWS.

Ask around with people who live in south or north minneapolis and find out how many times they hear gunfire at night, how many times people get shot, yet you NEVER hear it on the news. I have a friend who works at North Memorial, he went 97 days straight on his shifts that he treated GSW's in the past year. he had two shifts of no GSW's and the string started again. Is this on the News, nope, because it would show just how shitty some parts of this "perfect place to live" have become.

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